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Weaving Splendid Stories: Storytelling is The Heart and Soul of Digital Marketing

Digital marketing seems to have gained a lot of momentum in recent times. Almost all of the digital marketers across the globe are well aware of the perks of going online. Those looking for an earth-shattering idea for your next marketing campaign, then you will need a bit more than just a concept. Having a concept (idea) in mind is one thing, while putting that idea on paper and weaving a story around it is a completely different thing. Digital marketing companies in Delhi put a considerable amount of emphasis on the need to weave impactful stories. Here is why ‘Selling’ Stories and experiences is Important: Viewers and Consumers can Relate to Stories The idea behind any marketing campaign is to provide consumers and users with mind-blowing stories that end up sparking the flames of desire in their minds. Marketing is way more than just selling goods and services. It has more to do with selling stories that inspire and offer solutions to the current set of problems being faced